Yahoo,angel or devil?

luni, 16 iunie 2008

Yahoo,angel or devil?

I wake up every morning and see in my YM list thousand of kids online.Until here everything is good.It's not wrong talking to some friends who are not close to you.

But the problem is this: When I go to the town,what I see is a town with a little number of kids playing,with a little number of kids doing crazy things,with a little number of kids living their childhood.

The problem is this: I see more people on the chat-rooms then I see outside.The virtual world steales daily the childhood,the adventures of the kids.

In the worst case you will feel an obsession for the virtual world.Sincerely now,how many of you are obsessed of the chat-rooms?How many of you stay in front of the computer daily?(if you do something useful,like work,that is good.)

You can write a comment and tell me the number of hours you stay daily in front of the computer or send me a email.
I want to see your opinion: Is Yahoo Messenger angel or devil?I will make a poll to see your opionion.

15 comentarii:

Vishnu G Nair spunea...

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Fox spunea...

Nice blog you got here (^_^) I like it.
I don't use Yahoo messenger but MSN messenger. The time I spend in the virtual world.. well.. since it's summer the hours have decreased to about 1-2,5 hours, though I still forget myself here sometimes.

Anonim spunea...

very nice blog...i like your articles

Harris spunea...

Nice blog.

I agree - some people spend too much time in virtual space. But maybe we need a better understanding of why. I am 34 years old, work with IT and management, and I do not use chat much, and never unless I am doing some work on the PC at the same time.

Daphini spunea...

Well, I am not a kid anymore and usually do something good with my time online. But admit sometimes choose to stay in and chat than do something outside.
We just need to know our limits and the boundaries between the healthy and unhealthy amount of time there.
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Sorry...but I wish only people I know to visit my blog. Thank you.
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Anonim spunea...

Thanks for commenting out blogg! Great pools you got here and nice site.
And on your question we will answeer that we spent to much time in front of the computer, it has become almost a obscession and all from 1-5 hours in a day is spent in front of it. Now when i think about it, it´s all to much. You actually made me aware of it now.

BrAnD_NeW spunea...

I think both, angel and devil, we spend too much time at inet... thanks for visiting my blog, i like your... Good posts!!

Reggie spunea...

i like the addition of polls on your site. this is a great post, but to tell you the truth, we're all guilty of "computer addiction" - especially if we both own blogs. anyway thanks for visiting our gaming site -

Danilo Amorim spunea...

Great job too!
Im Brazilian, and you?
Danilo Amorim

Kalibros spunea...

Great job too!
Is very interesting!
thanks for visiting my blog!!!
ciao, ciao

Simone spunea...

I'm a software developer, so I usually spend a lot of time at the PC... maybe 10 hrs a day... but it's my job.

The reason why people stay at home while on the internet is because the PC that they need to surf the web is in the same house too.

In the near future, internet will be more and more available on mobile devices (at fair rates at least)... and people will get back out of their homes... again.

At least, I hope so.

BTW: thanks for visiting my blog ;)

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